To make ticket sales on our platform even safer, Eventgoose has partnered with Ticketswap. Thanks to the integration with Ticketswap, it is possible to use 'Secure Swap' when reselling tickets for your event. Visitors can buy and sell tickets safely without worrying about fraudulent activities.
How does Secure Swap work?
The seller offers their tickets for sale on TicketSwap, these tickets are then verified for validity by Eventgoose.
If the tickets are genuine, they are temporarily stored in a secure environment and offered for sale through Ticketswap.
Once a buyer has completed payment, the original tickets of the seller are invalidated in Eventgoose and the buyer receives a completely new and unique ticket with a new barcode.
TicketSwap ensures that the new ticket is sent to the buyer and the seller is paid.
Order overview
Orders from visitors who have purchased a ticket via Ticketswap can be found in your order overview with the status 'Ticketswap'.